Saturday, June 13, 2009

Limerick-Off - Week of June 8th

Here are my contributions to a "limerick-off" created by Madeleine Kane

There once was a government clerk
Who was known to brag with a smirk
He'd pompously proclaim
"Sloth isn't my aim,
To shirk work, is simply a quirk."

There once was a woman named June
Went skinny-dipping on a hot afternoon,
Such a feeling sublime!
She lost track of time
When she emerged, she looked like a prune.

1 comment:

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

I haven't spotted you at my weekly Limerick-Offs in a long time. Hope to see you back soon. By the way, I've turned them into a contest of sorts, adding a Limerick of the Week component. Here's where I post my Limerick-Offs. See you soon, I hope. :)