Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Diwali Limerick (2012)

A Diwali Limerick!! (Silicon Valley Style)

A wish for startups on the eve of Diwali
Around the world and in Silicon Valley
May you enjoy good health
May Lakshmi shower wealth
With 'big exits' in the new year, by golly.

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Limerick About SoKo

Soko - a french singer/artist. Here is a limerick I wrote about Soko:

"As dust and rain brings the forceful Sirocco
So, dry and cool are the words of Soko
She'll caress in one verse
And then 'kill her', or do worse
Is she an Angel or just Poco Loco?"

Here is her song.
 Soko - "I'll kill her"